The thought of my words Inspiring and motivating people in their various feilds
has always been a dream for me,am not that old because this is starting to sound
like an old professors.blog i just have an older way of expressing my serious feelings
This is Nigeria so nobody thinks of anyone as a freak because we are all freaks in
our own way,a curse from our society,a society where people get exicted over
availability of their own basic amenities,a society where we don't think we
deserve something as common as light 24hrs a day,good water is a luxury,so is a
three square meal we all say we want a change but deep down we jst want the money
and power because as long as we have that the change we claim we want is no longer
necessary,because we can buy and control it all.The DNA of the average Nigerian cares
for only himself others are less important.
We say we want a change in Nigera but nobody is ready to lead the movement cos
the truth is the Nigeria we claim we want a change in is really ourselves.....
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